Help us make our fundraising goals!
We have received our first-ever invitation to perform this October, 2020, at the Taichung Jazz Festival which is an International Festival in Taiwan.
They are giving us a stipend to participate, however it is not quite enough to send the 18 musicians of The Ira B. Liss Big Band Jazz Machine there. We still need to raise $20,000 to pay travel expenses. This will enable us to perform there in front of a real international audience , a first for the band in its 40 years of existence and the first time any Big Band from the United States has been asked to perform there as well!! We need to raise the sufficient funds by June 1, 2020, in order to be included in the line-up of other amazing artist from all over the world. Please help us to meet our goal!!
Donations of $25 will receive our latest CD "Tasty Tunes"
$100 donations get Tasty Tunes and our CD "It's Time" autographed by Ira B Liss
$200 2-hour website consultation & 1 page redesign by Shaina House
$500 donation receives a 2-hour composing and arranging coaching sesssion with Los Angeles TV and Film Composer, Dan Radlauer in his Los Angeles studio
$1500 donation gets a 2 hour performance* at your home or business by our great
BBJM rhythm section and vocalist Janet Hammer
$5000 donation gets a 3 hour performance* by the entire 18 piece Big Band Jazz Machine, and autographed copies of both our CD's for 20 people!!
$10,000 gets the donor same as $5000 level plus a VIP invitation for 4 people to a future BBJM recording session and dinner with Ira B. Liss. ( *All band performances to be in San Diego, CA and subject to availability)